Ronit Pressler. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. London. England.
11:45 h - 12:15 h
12:15 h - 13:00 h
12:15-13:00h Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies
Monika Eisermann. Necker Enfants Malades Hospital. Université Paris Descartes. France.
13:00 h - 13:45 h
3. Epileptic spasms
Electro-clinical semiology of epileptic spasms
Marta García Fernández. Hospital Universitario Pediatrico Niño Jesús. Madrid, Spain.
13:45 h - 14:45 h
14:45 h - 16:15 h
4. From bench-to-bedside I. Interactive presentation of cases. I
Cases with neonatal and early infancy seizure onset. Case 1 - SCN8A. Case 2- SCN2A Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy. Case 3 – Hypothalamic hamartoma
Elena Gardella. Filadelfia Danish Epilepsy Center. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. Marina Trivisano. Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, IRCCS. Rome, Italy. Marta García Fernández. Hospital Universitario Pediatrico Niño Jesús. Madrid, Spain.
16:15 h - 17:15 h
5. From bench-to-bedside I. Interactive presentation of cases II
Cases with epileptic spasms and focal seizures. Case 1 - CDKL-5. Case 2 – DEPDC5
Francesca Darra. Borgo Roma-Borgo Trento University Hospital. Verona, Italy. Eva Gutiérrez Delicado. Hospital Universitario Pediatrico Niño Jesús. Madrid, Spain.
17:15 h - 17:45 h
17:45 h - 18:45 h
6. Keynote lecture I
Neurodevelopment and epileptic syndromes. A clinical approach
Floor Jansen. University Medical Center Utrecht Brain Center. Utrecht. The Netherlands.
Day 2. Friday 28 October
09:00 h - 11:30 h
7. Epileptic syndromes with absences, tonic, atonic and myoclonic seizures
09:00-10:00h - Myoclonic status in non-progressive encephalopathies
Bernardo Dalla Bernardina. Borgo Roma-Borgo Trento University Hospital, Verona. Italy.
10:00-10:45h - Electro-clinical semiology of absences, tonic, atonic and myoclonic seizures
Monika Eisermann. Necker Enfants Malades Hospital. Université Paris Descartes. France.
12:00-12:45h - Photosentivity in epileptic syndromes
Guido Rubboli. Filadelfia Danish Epilepsy Center. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark.
12:45-13:30h - Reflex seizures and epilepsies (other than photo-sensitive)
Javier Salas Puig. Hospital Universitario Vall'De Hebron, Barcelona, Spain
13:30 h - 14:30 h
14:30 h - 16:30 h
8. From bench-to-bedside II. Interactive presentation of cases
Cases with absences, tonic, atonic and myoclonic seizures. Case 1 –SCN1A. Case 2 –DHD2. Case 3 - Ring 20 chromosome. Case 4– Epilepsy with myoclono-atonic seizures
Rocío Sánchez Carpintero. Pediatric Neurology Unit. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain. Guido Rubboli. Filadelfia Danish Epilepsy Center. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. Ángel Aledo Serrano. Ruber Internacional Hospital. Madrid, Spain. Marina Trivisano. Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, IRCCS. Rome, Italy.
16:30 h - 17:00 h
17:00 h - 18:00 h
9. Keynote lecture II
Precision medicine in pediatric epileptic syndromes